Opinion Pieces

Opinion Pieces

"All You Need to Know About 3D Audio"

Sound Particles is hosting two webinars to help professionals around the world transition into the immersive audio field. "All You Need to Know About 3D Audio" will be presented by Nuno Fonseca, PhD, where people can learn all they need to know to start diving into immersive sound.


The first webinar (April 13th) will cover channel-based audio and object-based audio and the second webinar (April 21st) will focus on Ambisonics and binaural. These are completely free and include the most relevant information about 3D Audio for sound enthusiasts looking for a detailed, complete, and easy-to-follow presentation, and the chance to ask all the questions they have about the topics.


The first webinar of "All You Need to Know About 3D Audio" will be packed with knowledge about:




The second webinar will be all about:

Ambisonics and Binaural


Registrations are now open for the first webinar scheduled for April 13th at 7pm GMT+1 (2pm EDT, 11am PDT). If you aet unable to attend the scheduled time, still register and Sound Particles will send the video recording after the webinar goes live.

To register for the webinar visit here: https://lp.soundparticles.com/webinar/


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