

Audio Pro Network re-launches Mentorship Platform

AudioPro Network has re-launched it’s membership platform to reflect the needs of tomorrow’ s industry. The pandemic has seen the audio industry go through a shift to more remote working, and this shift has had an impact on higher education. Whereas audio students would have had the luxury of physically networking with industry professionals at tradeshows and job fairs, the pandemic has made things more difficult.


The audio industry is a business based on teamwork, relationships and community, so Audio Pro Network has adapted its mentorship platform to act as a bridge between education and first industry job. Traditionally, mentorship ends at graduation, but APN continues this much needed developmental experience.

Joseph Miuccio, founder of Audio Pro Network, said “With studio jobs hard to come by and competition tough, graduates now have somewhere to go to gain ‘next step’ mentorship support to help them land that first elusive job, as well as create meaningful connections within a community of like minded individuals.”

“Most people don't have access to audio professionals for advice,” added Miuccio. “There are plenty of message boards and FB groups that offer a lot of one off opinions, but the main goal of APN is an invested commitment to the sustained success of our members.”

Membership starts from the ground up building on skills already learned in University, by teaching the much needed softer skills required for success in audio. Offering 1-2-1 support, the Audio Pro Network mentorship scheme speeds up the process to employment through actionable plans. When ready, APN actively advocates on behalf of members to help them find positions in the industry. Studios and post production facilities can hire from the APN member base with confidence, knowing that prospective employees have been coached by industry veterans.


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